Welcome to Inline Syntax Highlight Sphinx Extension

Docutils supports inline syntax highlighting through code directive and role. Sphinx does it in a different way. This results in the need of two pygments stylesheets for getting having both syntax highlightings (code blocks and inline code). And it is always also a matter of docutils and sphinx versions, because you need newest docutils installed, for supporting this.

This extension handles literal nodes like sphinx handles literal_block nodes and creates sphinx style syntax highlighting for inline code.

You can configure, if literals like ``this literal`` are also highlighted using language, set by highlight directive. You can also configure, if code is highlighted using language defined by highlight directive.

If you have not yet the docutils version installed, which provides role code, this extension provides it.

In this documentation both configuration values below are set to true. Then you can use this extension as follows:

.. highlight:: rst

.. role:: python(code)
    :language: python

.. role:: latex(code)
    :language: latex

Now here are latex command :latex:`\\setlength` and python command
:python:`import`, created by ``:python:`import```.  Here is a
:literal:`literal`, which stays a literal, and
:code:`.. highlight:: rst` makes code role look as it looks.

Which is rendered as follows:

.. highlight:: rst

Now here are latex command \setlength and python command import, created by :python:`import`. Here is a literal, which stays a literal, and .. highlight:: rst makes code role look as it looks.


Get the package via pip:

pip install sphinxcontrib-inlinesyntaxhighlight

Sources are available at http://bitbucket.org/klorenz/sphinxcontrib-inlinesyntaxhighlight

Or refer to sphinx-contrib repository at http://bitbucket.org/birkenfeld/sphinx-contrib



This (boolean) setting triggers, if language, which is set by highlight directive, shall be used in code role, if no language is set by a customization. Then instead of:

.. role:: python(code)
    :language: py

this can :python:`trigger("python", "syntax highlight")`

Wich is rendered:

this can trigger("python", "syntax highlight")

You can also write:

.. highlight:: py

this can :code:`trigger("python", "syntax highlight")`

This (boolean) setting triggers, if ``literals`` shall be highlighted. Default is True.

If inline_highlight_literals is on, you can even write for example above:

.. highlight:: py

this can ``trigger("python", "syntax highlight")``